Monday, February 4, 2013


Blog Statistics and Improving the Blog
Blogger has numerous analytics for tracking a blog’s performance which can then be used to increase page rankings and page views.  The first option I would pay close attention to would be looking at the views by particular post.  As more posts appear, trends will show the topics which most people find interesting.  That will give me a good idea about the topics I should write more posts regarding or related to.  It is common sense, but if you post what people want to read you should get more page views and increase the page ranking.  Next, I would view the Traffic Sources information to see if any particular site or other blog is responsible for traffic to my blog.  This may give me an opportunity to do a reciprocal linking between our blogs or the source site and my blog once again increasing page views and page ranking.  The third main statistic to monitor would be the Audience statistic which would help me to figure out who, in a large sense, is looking at my blog.  This would give me opportunities to link with sites which focus on the appropriate demographics and write blogs which would appeal more to that demographic (Google, Inc., 2013).  All of these are very common techniques used increase page views, page traffic, and page ranking (Miller, 2011).
Blogger is integrated with Google AdSense which will place relevant advertising on a blog based on audience, subject, and audience.  So, the larger a blog’s audience is and more relevant the subject matter the more money you can earn.  This means that effectively using the provided analytics and improving a blog’s content can allow the blogger to earn more money.  In addition, using Google AdSense with Blogger will automatically keep track of money earned by the advertising being placed on the blog.  Blogger has the analytic tools and advertising connections available to increase earnings by creating and maintaining a high-quality blog (Google, Inc., 2013).
Google, Inc. (2013). My blogs. Retrieved from Blogger:
Miller, M. (2011). The Ultimate Web Marketing Guide. Indianaplis: Pearson Education, Inc.

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